Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My splendid neighbor spent 9 hard months growing sweet bebe Maggie.  Wasn't it worth it?
Easy for me to say.
I didn't go past my due date.
I wasn't pregnant through the blazing summer.
I didn't endure a natural childbirth.
But I'll say it just one more time:
She is amazing and very chubby and very very hungry.


Here is her beloved older sister who ran upstairs to get all decked out for her own photo.  It think her clothing coordination skills is so now.  She is the cutest little purple grape I have ever seen.
Here is brother who randomly took his shirt off. We aren't sure why.  As we all know, number 3 means chaos and unexplained behaviors.  This household is no exception.


Welcome  Baby Maggie, we are sure glad you're here!

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